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  • Research, development, production and distribution of renewable energy systems
  • Project development, sales, installation, cleaning, monitoring of photovoltaic plants and battery storage systems

Current research project: PVT - Module

We combine photovoltaics and solar thermal energy to form a hybrid collector. The power of the sun generates electricity and hot water from just one module. The sunlight is still free, let's use it!

The PVT module consists of a conventional photovoltaic module which generates solar electricity. On the back side it is equipped with a heat exchanger, which absorbs the surface heat of the module and dissipates it in a subsequent heating system. In this combination both electrical and thermal energy can be generated on the same surface.

In addition to the double use of the surface, there is a positive side effect.  By removing the heat, the solar cells are cooled, which results in increased electricity production.  In commercial products, the photovoltaic cells usually convert only 13 to 18% of the incident radiation energy, the main energy remains enclosed in the cells and leads to an increase in temperature with the associated loss of the energy conversion potential of the photovoltaic cells. With every degree of increasing outside temperature, the electrical output of the systems drops even further.

The electric current can be used for own consumption or is fed into the public grid. The thermal energy can be used for applications such as

  • Direct or indirect heat sources in combination with heat pumps
  • Systems for hot water preparation up to 60°C and heating support
  • Regeneration of ice reservoirs and earth reservoirs
  • Refitting of matted geothermal probes for heat pumps
  • Water heating of swimming pools
  • Commercial applications with low-temperature process heat
  • Single and multi-family houses, ideally suited for passive and plus-energy house concepts

We rely on Made in Germany.

Currently, this PVT module serves as a heat source in the DUO-HYBRID heating system developed by our partner, the Giersch company.

Through continuous research and development work, further product developments in the field of renewable energies are planned in the medium term. The company's product range is to be consistently oriented towards customer benefit.

With the development and production of environmentally compatible, innovative and highly efficient energy generation systems, the company occupies a future market of the 21st century and contributes significantly to the energy revolution.

This project is financially supported by the European Union.

Umsetzung/Wartung 2019 - 2025 durch Webdesign & Webprogrammierung Frankfurt (Oder)